are you a fan of the ocean?
If so, you might enjoy this music video: click here to play.
If you prefer space, you'll enjoy this instead: click here to play.
If you dig the arctic even more, then this might be your jam: click here to play.
If so, you might enjoy this music video: click here to play.
If you prefer space, you'll enjoy this instead: click here to play.
If you dig the arctic even more, then this might be your jam: click here to play.
millennial shaman gregor spamsa presents
an interactive art exhibition + i-ching readings for a public in flux:
changes // △ // metamorphosis
note: everything is subject to change
Reception: 7:30-10pm
Performances (all about timing and appreciating the presence of presence): 9pm
about the show:
this show takes inspiration from the i ching (book of changes, aka changes), a divination manual and philosophical text addressing the constancy of change and the eternal concerns of timing and timeliness. it serves as a guide for making sense in a uncertain world and confronting inner tumult with wisdom. gregor spamsa invites you to consider change in its mysterious and manifold forms.
an evolving cast of artists, presenters, and shape-shifters:
colin mcswiggen, julian arni, jackie wang, ricardo de lima, ryan kuo, catherine siller, amy collier, sami giarratani, gregor spamsa, my ngoc to, ricky orng, ellie kitsch, erik p. kraft, helen miller, dr. peter davis & dr. paul vankoughnett, amy wang, charles talbot, kevin frances, anthony fischer, katya popova, elizabeth watkins, nadege r-r, gaiaIT (noah kelley, emily royall & julia litman-cleper), hongye wu, trevor wallace, susan shian, alahna watson, and more tbd
Free & Open to the Public as part of the programming for the show CHANGES // △ // METAMORPHOSIS
Description: The film will be screened by Dr. Peter Davis and Dr. Paul VanKoughnett.
Doors Open to the Public at 6pm
Screening from 6:30pm-7:30pm
Followed by Artist Talk & Gallery Hours
RSVP here: https://changes-sensorium.splashthat.com/
The Sensorium of B. H. Obama
screening & artist talk
Friar Edgar's Globe of Wonders (FEGOW.com) invites you to feast in the Globe's premiere wonder: a look back at Year 7 of the Obama presidency, presented by the award-winning documentarians of "America Past." In the early months of 2015, a young United States President named Barack Obama made a fateful decision. Frustrated by the endless pressures of his thankless, dead-end, white-collar job, Obama delivered his State of the Union speech and disappeared to America's heartland—Lawrence, Kansas—where he began the great work of which he'd always dreamed. But with the lamestream media and the forces of Washington politics-as-usual hot on his tail, could this plucky POTUS deliver the change he believed in?
Contact Globe of Wonders researchers Dr. P. VanKoughnett and Dr. P. Davis at FriarEdgars@gmail.com. Learn more about the legacy of Friar Edgar of Taunton at FEGOW.com.
Meet Dr. Davis & Dr. VanKoughnett:
Free & Open to the Public as part of the programming for the show CHANGES // △ // METAMORPHOSIS
Description: The film will be screened by director Trevor Wallace who will present on environmental activists under threat around the world and the process of making the film. He will speak about his experiences in using documentary as a tool for empowerment and social change in marginalized communities. There will be a Q&A to follow.
Doors Open to the Public at 6pm
Screening from 6:30pm-6:50pm
Followed by Artist Talk & Gallery Hours
RSVP here: https://changes-mines.splashthat.com/
Mines and Maras: the Human Cost of Gold in El Salvador documents the ongoing struggle of the community of San Isidro against transnational mining corporations that threaten their drinking water supply. This investigative documentary delves into the murder of prominent activist and community organizer, Marcelo Rivera, whose loss has motivated widespread support for a total moratorium on Mining in El Salvador.
Free & Open to the Public as part of the programming for the show CHANGES // △ // METAMORPHOSIS
Description: Screening of Footage from Grand Union by Helen Miller and a Feldenkrais lesson for the public.
RSVP here: https://changes-grandunion.splashthat.com/
About Grand Union:
My family and I clear the view so that I can lead them through a Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson in front of the house where we spent summers growing up. The lesson is called “Exaggerating your pattern and adopting the opposite.” Side-by-side, about a window’s width apart, we take our places in a line-up that resembles a sex ed chart, except that we’re ordered according to age alone rather than sex or height—father, mother, sister, sister, brother, ______, brother—holding the place of our brother Nicholas, who was Down syndrome and passed away eight years ago.
For more info about Helen Miller's work, visit http://aestheticrelationalexercises.com/about-us/ .
About Feldenkrais (from http://www.feldenkrais.com/whatis):
"The Feldenkrais Method® is a form of somatic education that uses gentle movement and directed attention to improve movement and enhance human functioning. Through this Method, you can increase your ease and range of motion, improve your flexibility and coordination, and rediscover your innate capacity for graceful, efficient movement. These improvements will often generalize to enhance functioning in other aspects of your life.
"The Feldenkrais Method is based on principles of physics, biomechanics and an empirical understanding of learning and human development. By expanding the self-image through movement sequences that bring attention to the parts of the self that are out of awareness, the Method enables you to include more of yourself in your functioning movements. Students become more aware of their habitual neuromuscular patterns and rigidities and expand options for new ways of moving. By increasing sensitivity the Feldenkrais Method assists you to live your life more fully, efficiently and comfortably."
Workshop led by show artist Emily Garfield.
Suggested donations from sliding scale of $5-$20 per participant to go to instructor. Limited to 12 participants.
No prior experience with collage or animation required.
RSVP here: https://changes-animation.splashthat.com/
- Please bring a smartphone or tablet (whatever device, as long as it has a camera and is flat/ not a laptop)
- You’re also welcome to bring your own collage elements to work with, though we will provide a variety of elements on the theme of the animation. Keep in mind that these don’t need to be 2D; a small figurine or toy could also take part, for instance. Items should be pretty small though.
Note: Instructor will recommend to participants stop-motion apps to load prior to workshop.
Workshop Schedule:
- 10 min (as people come in) visitors should view the animation if they haven’t already
- 10 min Emily presents on her background and inspiration for her animation work
- 15 min Emily presents on techniques for stop-motion and using your smartphone
- The rest of the workshop is for participants to play around with the provided/brought materials and craft stop-motion animations. Emily will be available to answer questions, help with technical issues, etc.
- 20 min before end: participants come together and can present their animations to each other if they wish.
millennial shaman gregor spamsa presents
an interactive art exhibition + i-ching readings for a public in flux:
changes // △ // metamorphosis
note: everything is subject to change
Reception: 7pm-midnight
Performances (all about timing and appreciating the presence of presence): 8:30pm-9:30pm
performers: ricky orng, anthony fischer, erik p. kraft, jackie wang & gregor spamsa
about the show:
this show takes inspiration from the i ching (book of changes, aka changes), a divination manual and philosophical text addressing the constancy of change and the eternal concerns of timing and timeliness. it serves as a guide for making sense in a uncertain world and confronting inner tumult with wisdom. gregor spamsa invites you to consider change in its mysterious and manifold forms.
an evolving cast of artists, presenters, and shape-shifters:
colin mcswiggen, julian arni, jackie wang, ricardo de lima, ryan kuo, catherine siller, amy collier, sami giarratani, gregor spamsa, my ngoc to, ricky orng, ellie kitsch, erik p. kraft, helen miller, dr. peter davis & dr. paul vankoughnett, amy wang, charles talbot, kevin frances, anthony fischer, katya popova, elizabeth watkins, nadege r-r, gaiaIT (noah kelley, emily royall & julia litman-cleper), hongye wu, trevor wallace, susan shian, alahna watson, and more tbd